FireShell Quality

FireShell - U.K. Manufactured Fire Resistant Textiles

Fine Wine and Fine Fabric

FireShell is a unique textile blend manufactured in the UK

Producing high quality fabrics is like producing high quality wine. Blended wines are the result of winemaking magic. Vintners combine different grapes to create something original and new. Every bottle is the result of a meticulous testing and tasting process.

Creating our high-quality fabric has followed a similar process by combining the qualities and capabilities of a range of textiles to create the PARATEC FIRESHELL EXTREME fabric, a UK manufactured, unique textile blend. The experience, knowledge and credibility of Dale Intertec has been acquired over many years of providing high quality/military grade fabrics and textiles to a wide range of emergency agencies. We bring experience, understanding, and capability to the development and manufacture of our products.

Basing manufacturing in the UK ensures we can maintain the quality and consistency required of a potentially lifesaving piece of technology – we also have more control over supply chains.

Design Criteria for a Lithium Battery Fire Retardant Textile

The fire industry already has some excellent fabrics and standards for fire resistant textiles and fabrics, and we have adopted/adapted these standards to our fire blankets. This approach helps our customers understand the performance criteria and capability of the products and allows performance benchmarking between various fabrics on the market to compare cost v benefits, and secure value for money.

FireShell - Fire Retardent Quality Guaranteed

Our approach has two major attributes – the quality of our material and the fact that the textiles used have been specifically selected and tested to make sure they can solve a specific set of fire related problems. The challenge is that the material of the textile must be able to withstand heat and fire intensity of new energy technologies such as lithium batteries.

FireShell Fire Resistant textiles - Heat Resistance

Heat Resistance

The key attribute is an ability to withstand the heat and fire load generated by a car fire (including electric vehicles). The fabric should at least meet a performance standard for Fire Resistant (FR) fabrics. – why re-invent the wheel?

FireShell Fire Resistant textiles - Heat Resistance

Shock/explosion resistance

The fabric should offer protection against explosion, flying debris or shrapnel. Fabric selection should consider fabric density, potential impact conditions, projectile mass, projectile geometry, and striking velocity.

FireShell Fire Resistant textiles - Heat Resistance

Abrasion resistance

This ability helps to keep the material’s original structure and look, extending the life of a product. The blanket should be suitable for multi fire use up to at least 5 fires, and small rips/tears should be easily (and cost effectively) repaired (using a repair kit), to prolong the life of the product and secure value for money.

FireShell Fire Resistant textiles - Heat Resistance

Non-conductive, and water/weather resistant

A blanket could be left outside in all weathers, and after use it should be easily cleaned and decontaminated. It should also be possible to repair the blanket to support multiple use and value for money.

Design Standards of the FireShell Textile Material

These standards are not an exhaustive list, but they illustrate the thinking, rationale and quality that underpins our approach to delivering/procuring a high-performance, high-quality product, that will protect first responders, and minimise fire spread/fire damage.

EN10301-B-S1-do - (Fire classification of construction products)
The EN-standard is based on a test for the actual material’s response to fire, smoke development and droplets while burning. FireShell products are B-S1-dO
BS476 Past 6 & 7 Class 1 - (Fire propagation and surface spread of flame tests)
The test measures the distance & time a flame will spread across a surface. Results range from: the worst, Class 4 – i.e., longest distance and fastest of flame spread, to the best, Class 1 – i.e., least distance and slowest of flame spread. FireShell products are Class 1.
FMVSS 302 - (Flammability of interior motor vehicles materials)
The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have a test method, known as FMVSS No. 302, to establish a maximum burn rate for interior materials, and to determine the burn resistance capabilities of materials used in the occupant compartments of motor vehicles. FireShell products meet the standard FMVSS 302.
BSEN 20811 - (Hydrostatic pressure test)
This test determines the resistance of fabrics to penetration by water primarily intended for dense fabrics such as tarpaulins and tentings. This ensures the blanket achieves excellent resistance to water penetration.
FMVSS 302 - (Oil repellency / hydrocarbon resistance test)
The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have a test method, known as FMVSS No. 302, to establish a maximum burn rate for interior materials, and to determine the burn resistance capabilities of materials used in the occupant compartments of motor vehicles. FireShell products meet the standard FMVSS 302.